Friday, October 22, 2010

Creating flyer in Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher can be used to make various kinds of publication documents.
Creating a new document in Microsoft Publisher 2007:

1. On the top menu bar, click File -> New

2. Click on "Flyer" to create a flyer.

3. Scroll down to Event and double-click the "Party2" flyer icon.

4. You can see the Party2 flyer template as shown below.
5. To edit the information on the flyer, click "Edit" -> "Business information".

6. After clicking on "Business Information", the following window appears.

7. Edit the information so that the changes are updated automatically on the flyer.
8. Click on "Save." the following window should appear.
8. Click on "Update Publication."

9. Some information is edited. To edit more information, click on each of the component to type in your information.

10. After the editing the components, the flyer looks like this.

11. To see a preview of the flyer and print it out, click on File -> Print Preview

Friday, October 15, 2010

Inserting Comments in Word Documents

Comments are used to insert information in Microsoft Word 2007 without overwriting the original text. You can use comments to ask the write of the document, questions or indicate an area that is unclear to you.

To insert a comment"
1. Click on "Review" tab.

2. Select the part of text in your word document where you want to insert a comment.

3. Click on "New Comment" icon under the "Review" tab.

4. You will be able to see a comment box in red color for the part of the text you highlighted.

5. Insert the comment you wish to put in the red comment box.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Goal Seek Tool in Excel

Goal Seek Tool can perform what-if analysis in excel. In Excel 2007, we have goal seek tool under Data -> What-If analysis.

First , write two variable variable1 and variable 2 and calculate their product in cell B10. Cell B10 has the required formula to perform the calculation.

Let us say we wanted the product of variable1 and variable2 to be 165 keeping variable1 constant.
Excel can automatically calculate the other value. We will show you how. This was just a simple calculation exmaple. One can perform complex calculations using goal seek tool.

Go to Goal Seek Tool.

Click Ok.

Click Ok again.

As you can see, variable2 is modified to give you the desired answer. To get a product of 165, cell B8 is modified to 11.